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Arduino® Board Nano 33 IoT
Arduino® Board Nano 33 IoT
The ease of use of a Nano board with the addition of secure IoT and BT connectivity. This small, robust and powerful board has WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity that combined with its low power architecture makes it a practical and cost...
24,75 € *
Arduino® Board Nano Every
Arduino® Board Nano Every
Turn your ideas into a reality quickly with the new Arduino Nano Every. This small, robust and powerful board has the same classic Nano footprint loved worldwide. It can be programmed with the easy to use Arduino IDE available offline...
14,28 € *
Arduino® Board Nano 33 IoT with headers
Arduino® Board Nano 33 IoT with headers
The ease of use of a Nano board with the addition of secure IoT and BT connectivity. This small, robust and powerful board has WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity that combined with its low power architecture makes it a practical and cost...
23,99 € *
Arduino® Board Nano 33 BLE Sense REV 2 without headers
Arduino® Board Nano 33 BLE Sense REV 2 without...
Nano The Arduino Nano is a compact board similar to the UNO. Produktübersicht The Arduino Nano is a small, complete, and breadboard-friendly board based on the ATmega328 (Arduino Nano 3.x). It has more or less the same functionality of...
45,47 € *
Arduino® Board Nano 33 Sense BLE REV2 with headers
Arduino® Board Nano 33 Sense BLE REV2 with headers
Small, powerful, BT connected and with all the sensors you may need to design innovative applications. This compact and reliable Nano board is built around the NINA B306 module for BLE and Bluetooth 5 communication; the module is based...
48,84 € *
Arduino® Board MKR WiFi 1010 (WLAN)
Arduino® Board MKR WiFi 1010 (WLAN)
WLAN! Möchten Sie Ihren Geräten eine WiFi-Schnittstelle hinzufügen? Holen Sie sich das MKR WIFI 1010! Es lässt sich problemlos mit anderen Arduino-Produkten verbinden und ist mit der Arduino-Software konfigurierbar - und Sie müssen kein...
39,87 € *
ALLNET 4duino Board Mega 2560 R3
ALLNET 4duino Board Mega 2560 R3
4duino Mega 2560 R3 inkl. USB Kabel (kompatibel zu Arduino™ Mega 2560 R3) D-8 (A2)
28,82 € *
ALLNET 4duino Board Motor Shield I
ALLNET 4duino Board Motor Shield I
4duino Board Motor Shield I Operating Voltage:5V to 12V Motor controller:L298P, Drives 2 DC motors or 1 stepper motor Max current:2A per channel or 4A max (with external power supply) Current sensing:1.65V/A Free running stop and brake...
5,66 € *
ALLNET 4duino Board Motor Shield II
ALLNET 4duino Board Motor Shield II
4duino Board Motor Shield II Motor/Stepper/Servo/Robot Shield for Arduino I2C v2 Bietet Anschluss für bis zu 4 DC-Motoren (bis 15V, max. 1,2A) oder 2 Stepper-Motoren (auch gemischt). Zusätzlich sind zwei Anschlüsse für Servos vorhanden....
13,07 € *
ALLNET 4duino Z-Uno - Z-Wave Board für Arduino
ALLNET 4duino Z-Uno - Z-Wave Board für Arduino
Z-Uno ist die erste und einzige Entwicklerplatine, die es Entwicklern erlaubt, Programmierungen für ihre eigenen Z-Wave-Geräte zu erstellen, ohne tiefe Kenntnis des Z-Wave-Protokolls zu haben. Z-Uno ist eine Mischung aus den vielfältigen...
62,83 € *
ALLNET 4duino Board 328 "Lilypad" USB
ALLNET 4duino Board 328 "Lilypad" USB
4duino LilyPad 328 Main Board ATmega328P 16M D-43 (A20). (kompatibel zu Arduino™ Mega 1280) inkl. micro USB und 3,7V LiPo Battery Charger
11,35 € *
ALLNET 4duino Board Ethernet Shield W5100 R3
ALLNET 4duino Board Ethernet Shield W5100 R3
4duino ethernet shield W5100 R3 für Arduino™ und kompatible D-34 (A8)
27,00 € *
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