Produkte von ARDUINO

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Arduino® Shield MKR IoT Carrier
Arduino® Shield MKR IoT Carrier
MKR IoT Carrier beinhaltet: - Rundes OLED-Display - Fünf kapazitive Sensortasten - On-Board-Sensoren (Temperatur, Feuchtigkeit, Druck und Licht) - Zwei 24-V-Relais - SD-Kartenhalter - Plug-and-Play-Anschlüsse für verschiedene Sensoren -...
68,54 € *
Arduino® Set Sensor Kit Base (Seeed Grove)
Arduino® Set Sensor Kit Base (Seeed Grove)
Inhalt: 1 Basis-Shield, das auf ein Arduino UNO-Board passt. Es ist mit 16 Steckverbindern ausgestattet. Wenn es auf das UNO-Board aufgesetzt wird, bietet es Funktionalität für verschiedene Pins. Es verfügt über: 7x digitale Anschlüsse...
30,94 € *
Arduino® Board MKR WAN 1310 (LoRa)
Arduino® Board MKR WAN 1310 (LoRa)
Das Arduino MKR WAN 1310 Board bietet eine praktische und kostengünstige Lösung, um LoRa® Konnektivität zu Projekten hinzuzufügen, die einen geringen Stromverbrauch benötigen. Dieses Open-Source-Board kann verbunden werden mit der...
47,12 € *
Arduino® Education Engineering Kit Rev2
Arduino® Education Engineering Kit Rev2
286,20 € *
Arduino® Education Starter Kit
Arduino® Education Starter Kit
Learn electronics and get started with programming in your classroom step-by-step. No experience necessary. LESSONS Getting Started ( 30 mins). In this lesson the students get familiar with the kit's material. Learn about electrical...
299,88 € *
Arduino® Education Student Kit
Arduino® Education Student Kit
Learn the basics of programming, coding and electronics including current, voltage, and digital logic. No prior knowledge or experience is necessary as the kit guides you through step by step. The Arduino Student kit comes with several...
75,57 € *
Arduino® Shield Motor Rev3
Arduino® Shield Motor Rev3
Motoren ansteuern! Das Arduino Motor Shield ermöglicht es Ihrem Arduino, DC- und Schrittmotoren, Relais und Magnete anzutreiben. Arduino® Shield Motor Rev3 Der Arduino Motor Shield basiert auf dem L298 (Datenblatt), einem dualen...
28,56 € *
Arduino® Shield MKR GPS
Arduino® Shield MKR GPS
41,41 € *
Arduino® Board Nano Every with headers
Arduino® Board Nano Every with headers
Turn your ideas into a reality quickly with the new Arduino Nano Every. This small, robust and powerful board has the same classic Nano footprint loved worldwide. It can be programmed with the easy to use Arduino IDE available offline...
15,47 € *
Arduino® Board Nano 33 BLE with headers
Arduino® Board Nano 33 BLE with headers
Designed for short range BT interactions and power savvy projects. This compact and reliable Nano board is built around the NINA B306 module, based on Nordic nRF 52840 and containing a powerful Cortex M4F. Its architecture, fully...
29,75 € *
Arduino® Board Nano 33 IoT
Arduino® Board Nano 33 IoT
The ease of use of a Nano board with the addition of secure IoT and BT connectivity. This small, robust and powerful board has WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity that combined with its low power architecture makes it a practical and cost...
24,75 € *
Arduino® Board Nano Every
Arduino® Board Nano Every
Turn your ideas into a reality quickly with the new Arduino Nano Every. This small, robust and powerful board has the same classic Nano footprint loved worldwide. It can be programmed with the easy to use Arduino IDE available offline...
14,28 € *
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